Saturday, March 16, 2013

I went to Egypt again!

This year my family and I went to Cairo and Alexandria. I ate so much of my favourite food that I was sick for a week. Imagine a bowl of soup made for 15 people and me eating three quaters of it. It was worth the pain.

On our way to Alexandria we stopped at a koptic tempel where monks make olive oil and cheese and furniture. Because my family is crazy we bought 8 liters of olive oil and another liter for me seperately because I live in a different country and also need olive oil.
This time we didn't do as many crazy purchases as all the other times. We bought 12 identical rings, 8 meters of fabric (which makes sense because I need that) and I think that's pretty much it. My mum wanted to buy me a table with spongebob on it so it'd go with my bag, but then she forgot about it.

I've also been to an underground party with young people for the first time ever in Egypt. We drank some sort of Whiskey and egyptian Stella beer.

Oh yeah and fresh mangojuice!

(Yeah I only go to Egypt to eat and buy stuff, deal with it.)

Now I'm hungry.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Fun with Illustrator

My friend and I designed some crazy ass bookcovers for Shakespeare's Macbeth. My friend is awsome. See her illustrations and stuff here.

©Dalia von Wegen & Laura Edelbacher

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Schafskäse postponed

We had to delay the vernissage (and the beginning, duh) of our exhibition for a week. All is fine and well, but we want your ass at our vernissage.

Vernissage: 14th February 7pm

Poster by Marc André Offenhammer

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Schafskäse serr weisss in Türkiye

The Arakolektif (I talked about it before) are having an exhibition, starting next week. If you are in Istanbul, you should come and if you know someone in Istanbul you should tell them to come, because we do cool art and stuff.

The exhibition will take place at Kooperatif (adress on the flyer).

Vernissage: Thursday 7th of February 7pm

opening hours: 1pm to 2am (exhibition from February 7th till March 8th)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dalia von Wegen LookBook SS13


I'm still alive you guys! And I still live in Istanbul! And I'm still doing fashionz! Yeah, so, erm, this is what I've done this semester (well, in two weeks, because I haven't really been doing much fashion). There's not much to say, except maybe: GANZKÖRPERKONDOM! Do with it what you will. If you want something, you know how to reach me. 

(It's more costume design really.)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

JB and the Dolphin

Dolphin #1 or JB and the Dolphin

For the past month I have hardly been doing anything but sitting in my room being depressed, listening to way to sad music and wasting away. The biggest mistake I tend to do is having all these expectations about things and then have them shattered, which generaly leads me to sitting in my room being depressed, listening to way to sad music and wasting away. After spending a week in my room without even leaving to get food (I ate the weirdest combinations of whatever I could find in the kitchen), I finally got my ass up and decided to go back to the most depressing place in all of Turkey: University. I don't want to tell you how bad the University is, because actually it's not bad, it's just different, educating their students for a different future than mine will ever be. They have to draw very neatly in ways that I could never draw and frankly, I'm not interested in drawing like that. The education is fitting for people who want to go on working for a company like, I dunno, something better than H&M, but very similar to that. I want to become an independent designer who is going to be very dependent on their mum. (She knows how the world works, I don't.) I intend to make fashion that people like me want to wear, confused people in their twenties who think they're still a teenager, that is. 
So, naturally, all the teachers hate what I do. But that's probably good. I have to deal with a lot of rejection and criticism. One thing I know for sure is that I'm not going to change who I am to please anybody but myself and I really really like myself, like, a lot, so, I'm not going to change. 
I know that I'm still far from being as good as I can be and that I have a trillion more things to learn before I can become said independent designer, but I also know that I'm not going to learn these things here. But I'm learning other things, like, how to live on my own, how to live in a foreign country without really knowing the language, I'm even learning bank stuff! Most importantly I'm learning alot about myslef and how to stop myself from falling. 

This kitschy post was brought to you by Dalia von Wegen, Mermaidprincess, Queen of nothing and everything, Godess of pancakes. 

PS: The first picture is my Fiber Arts project, the next 4 are some of the illusrations for my Fashion Illustration calss (they are highly unappreciated by my teachers), and the last two pictures are some of the work for my (also highly unappreciated) collection. (Note the sarcasm.)

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Tomorrow is the first apperance of Ara Kolektif in public. We worked on two performances. I am in the costume-performance group, sadly I have no idea what'll happen within the other performance because I was so consumed by the costumes. (I heard it'll be great and I trust these people.)

Altogether we worked on four costumes, I made the two you see above. The prupose of the costumes is that you should move differently in them due to the costumes limiting certain parts of your body. The top, for example, makes it nearly impossible to use your hands and you're always stepping on your sleeves. The pants (which I'm wearing as an overall (nobody uses that word anymore, why is that?)) are so long that it's very hard to walk and they will always get loose. Additionaly we have a hat that's so heavy your head falls to the side and a collar that makes you look up all the time.

We're going to wear the costumes at Contemporary Istanbul tomorrow.